Huawei Honor X9b

Санаи ҷойгиршавӣ: 18.10.2024 11:58 ID эълон: 12404622
Huawei Honor X9b-1 Huawei Honor X9b-2
  • Ҳолат: Нав
  • Ҳаҷми хотираи дохилӣ: 256 gb

"Grab this fantastic deal! 📱

This phone is practically brand new, having been purchased just few days ago(one week)

It's already registered in Tajikistan, so you won't need to spend any more money on registration.

The phone is in pristine condition, without a single scratch or blemish.

Comes with all original documentation and packaging, ensuring authenticity.

Additionally, you'll receive 1 brand new cases and

Complete with the original charger for your convenience.

Don't miss out on this incredible offer! 🌟"

Эълонҳои монанд

2 500 c.
2 900 c.
Фурӯхта шуд
Шинос шавед, ки чи хел аз фиребгарон эмин бошед. Ба машвартҳои мо назар карда, эҳтиёткор бошед

Дар сайт аз фев, 2024

Дигар молҳои ин фурӯшанда
Ба дигарон гуфтан

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